Quick n' easy affordable meals

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Food is the way to most people's hearts - but sometimes we do not have the time to get creative in the kitchen or have the budget to do so.

This page is all about offering inspiration for under a fiver.

What recipe works well for your family? What is simple to prepare and cook that you and, or, your children love?

We and fellow Freebridge neighbours would love to know. Take a moment to try out the latest recipe and if you can add a twist let everyone know in the forum - or if you have another delicious recipe, whether it be sweet or savoury, add it too.

Let's see if we can inspire people this winter!

Food is the way to most people's hearts - but sometimes we do not have the time to get creative in the kitchen or have the budget to do so.

This page is all about offering inspiration for under a fiver.

What recipe works well for your family? What is simple to prepare and cook that you and, or, your children love?

We and fellow Freebridge neighbours would love to know. Take a moment to try out the latest recipe and if you can add a twist let everyone know in the forum - or if you have another delicious recipe, whether it be sweet or savoury, add it too.

Let's see if we can inspire people this winter!

Discussions: All (1) Open (1)
  • What recipes and links would you like to share to help make mealtimes interesting?

    about 2 years ago
    Share What recipes and links would you like to share to help make mealtimes interesting? on Facebook Share What recipes and links would you like to share to help make mealtimes interesting? on Twitter Share What recipes and links would you like to share to help make mealtimes interesting? on Linkedin Email What recipes and links would you like to share to help make mealtimes interesting? link

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    Everyone has a favourite or" go-to" meal when all inspiration is lost. Sometimes it can get tricky thinking of new things to cook for the family or even yourself. We will post a new recipe a month for you to try but we need your help to keep this page more interesting. Please do share with us recipes that you have tried and have been so delicious and easy to make! 

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Page last updated: 17 Apr 2023, 02:27 PM