Warm Hubs

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Every Thursday afternoon we’ll be opening up the Discovery Centre, our community centre in North Lynn, King's Lynn, to provide a safe and warm space for those that need it.

The centre will be open from 10am to 12noon, every Thursday. Each week will have a different activity for people to get involved with, but if you don't want to get involved, you don't have too! There will be free hot drinks available during this time too.

For more information visit the Discovery Centre Facebook page or you can call us direct on 01553 667777.

Every Thursday afternoon we’ll be opening up the Discovery Centre, our community centre in North Lynn, King's Lynn, to provide a safe and warm space for those that need it.

The centre will be open from 10am to 12noon, every Thursday. Each week will have a different activity for people to get involved with, but if you don't want to get involved, you don't have too! There will be free hot drinks available during this time too.

For more information visit the Discovery Centre Facebook page or you can call us direct on 01553 667777.

Page last updated: 19 Nov 2024, 10:17 AM