Community Voices

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myfreebridge Community Voices are at the heart of what we do.

This page will provide updates on surveys you can participate in, focus groups you will be invited to join and the results of any feedback we collate, with outcomes.

Your Service Champions and Customer Ambassadors will be reaching out to you for your thoughts, ideas and feedback on a range of different topics which will feedback into key strategic decisions made at Freebridge Leadership Team and Board level.

Your involvement could either see you be an armchair advisor and participate online, or go as far as meeting us in

myfreebridge Community Voices are at the heart of what we do.

This page will provide updates on surveys you can participate in, focus groups you will be invited to join and the results of any feedback we collate, with outcomes.

Your Service Champions and Customer Ambassadors will be reaching out to you for your thoughts, ideas and feedback on a range of different topics which will feedback into key strategic decisions made at Freebridge Leadership Team and Board level.

Your involvement could either see you be an armchair advisor and participate online, or go as far as meeting us in person at a focus group.

Whichever way you share your views, they will be heard and will play a valuable part in improving services now and in the future.

Page last updated: 10 Feb 2023, 09:40 AM